Writing your first Playwright test

Tim Deschryver

Writing end-to-end (e2e) tests don't need to be hard. Playwright provides a smooth - in my opinion, the best - developer experience, which makes it straightforward to go from nothing to your first e2e test.

You will probably see me putting more content out on playwright, because I'm so enthusiastic about this tool. For now, let's start at the beginning, and let's take a look at the required steps to have your first e2e test in place. This only takes a few minutes!

The setup link

Of course, the first step is to install playwright. You can do this manually or you can make it easier by running the npm init playwright command, this also creates a config file in your project.

Included in the generated config, you see the default values of popular options with a link to the docs. This makes it easier to find information about the configuration. While the config speaks for itself, I like to highlight a few points that make me happy.

Besides the above config file, an example test file is also added to the project.

Creating a test link

Did you notice that the title is "creating a test" and not "writing a test"? This is because playwright comes with a test generator that writes the test specification for you, you only need to interact with the application.

To create your first time, make sure that the application is running and then run the playwright codegen command.

This opens up a browser window, and also the playwright inspector GUI tool. When you start to interact with the opened browser, you can see that the inspector writes out the test code for you.

Generating a test with the codegen command while interacting with the application

Close the browser window when you're done and the test is included in the project. As an example, let's take a look at the following test, which is the result of the above GIF.

If you ask me, this is a pretty good test. The element selectors don't rely on css selectors nor on ID selectors. This is good because it makes sure that the test code is robust to future changes, and the flow is easy to understand.

Tweaks to the generated code link

Generated test code link

The test case is already good, but I'd still like to make a few small changes to make it more compact:

Now, the refactored test looks like this.

Generated configuration file link

The last change is a change to the configuration file. Uncomment the webServer config, and set the start and port options that are applicable to your project. I also like to enable the reuseExistingServer option so that it doesn't start a new application when it's already running.

Now, playwright runs the application when you run the npx playwright test command if it isn't served already.

Resulting in the following output. As you can see below, the test is executed twice. This is because there are two projects defined in the configuration, one for chromium, the other one for firefox.

And ta-daaa, here's your first playwright test. Nice and simple!

Visual Studio Code Extension link

After this post was written, Microsoft also released an official extension for VSCode. With this plugin you can access the most important commands via the command palette. One of these is installing Playwright within your project, and to start a new codegen session. I find this an easier alternative to the npm commands that we've covered in this blog post.

The commands that are available via the command palette.

Besides the commands, the extension also provides a test explorer, and test buttons to run and debug your tests inline. This experience makes it easier to run your tests, and to onboard new team members.

Conclusion link

Integrating playwright in your project is straightforward with the npm init playwright command.

You can use the playwright codegen command to generate the test flows while you interact with the application, as a real user would.

While the test looks good and is robust, it's desirable to make a few tweaks to improve the test and make it more compact.

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