Get easy access to Angular route and query parameters with zod

Tim Deschryver

To get access to route and query parameters in Angular, you need to manually parse the ActivatedRoute instance. While this is not hard, it can quickly bloat your codebase. Until Angular provides a better and typesafe way to access route and query parameters, you can use zod to make it easier.

First, let's see how we can access a route parameter without zod. Let's use a route that contains an id parameter, which should be a number. This looks as follows:

To access the id parameter, we need to inject the ActivatedRoute instance and then read the id property from the params property.

Doing this works but it's not typesafe, as you can see id$ has the type Observable<any>. To make it typesafe, we need to manually verify and parse the id parameter. Let's see what that looks like:

Now, id$ has the type Observable<number>, which is what we want. But contains some boilerplate code.

Instead of manually parsing the route parameters, we can use zod to do the heavy lifting for us. So let's do that.

The first step is to define a zod schema for the route parameters. Then, we can use the schema to parse the route parameters.

In the example below I've created the schema route which contains the id property. To parse the route params, we can use the parse method of the schema.

Sadly, this does not work yet. Because all route parameters and query parameters are strings, the above code results in a zod parsing error.

And... we're back to square one because we don't want to manually parse the route parameters. We could use the transform method, but this doesn't validate if the id is a number. For example, if the id in the route is a string, then the following code returns NaN.

Luckily, in zod v3.20, you can use the coerse method to quickly transform the value of a primitive.

The end result is that we can now easily access route and query parameters from an Angular route. We can do this in a typesafe way, without having to manually parse the route parameters. Keep in mind that this throws an error if the route parameters are invalid, in our example, when we id parameter can't be parsed to a number. In this case, we end up with the same error as before, which is a good thing because it means that we can't accidentally use an invalid route parameter.

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