Angular Testing Library with Vitest

Because I got asked about it a few times, I decided to write a short article about how to use Angular Testing Library with Vitest. The short and simple answer is, that it just works. You can use Angular Testing Library with Vitest without any issues.
What is Angular Testing Library link
If you are not familiar with Angular Testing Library, here is a short introduction: (Angular) Testing Library is a set of utilities that allows you to test (Angular) components in a way that is more similar to how the components are used by the end users. It provides a set of utilities that encourage you to write tests that focus on the behavior of your components, rather than the implementation details.
Testing Library is not a test runner and doesn't require any specific test runner to work. It works with any test runner that has a DOM implementation. This means that you can use the Angular Testing Library with any test runner that has a DOM implementation, including Jest, Jasmine, and Vitest as well.
Why Vitest link
Vitest is a new test runner designed to be fast and extensible. It is built on top of Vite, which is/becoming the de-facto standard for development. Vite is exciting because it is fast, extensible (through plugins), and has a great developer experience.
Because of these reasons, there's an increasing interest in the Vite ecosystem for building/serving code and Vitest for testing.
How to use Vitest in Angular link
To use Vitest with Angular you can use AnalogJS as a bridge between Angular and Vitest. Brandon Roberts already wrote a great article "Faster testing with Angular and Vitest ⚡️" about how to use AnalogJS with Angular and Vitest, so I won't go into the details here. You can find the article on You can also take a look at the AnalogJS documentation for more information.
First, you need to install AnalogJS package in your Angular project:
Then you can run the schematic to set up the Vitest plugin for your Angular project:
This does all of the heavy lifting for you. After that, you're good to go to run your tests with Vitest:
Bringing in Angular Testing Library link
As I mentioned before, Angular Testing Library works with any test runner that has a DOM implementation. This includes Vitest, so you can use Angular Testing Library with Vitest without any issues.
To use Angular Testing Library with Vitest, you need to install the Angular Testing Library package:
Optionally, but recommended, you can also install the user-event
and jest-dom
The former provides a set of utilities for simulating user events.
Though the latter has "jest" in its name, it also provides a set of custom testing matchers that are compatible with Vitest.
Then you can use Angular Testing Library in your tests:
That's it! You can now use Angular Testing Library with Vitest to test your Angular components.
Add the jest-dom matchers link
To use the jest-dom
matchers, include an import to @testing-library/jest-dom/vitest
to the test setup file.
What about NX? link
For now, you can apply the same steps to an Angular project that's using NX.
In the future, this will become easier because Younes Jaaidi has cooked up a Pull Request to add support for Vitest. This will make the manual steps that we've covered unnecessary, as it will set up Vitest automatically for you using its schematics.
Conclusion link
In this article we've seen that it just takes a few steps to integrate Vitest in your Angular project. After that, you can use Angular Testing Library to test your Angular components without any concerns or issues.
For an example repository including a small example, see the repository with a default Angular application with Vitest or with an Analog application.
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